Category Archives: Longer Rhymes

Kristina Wong (Unfinished)

Her name is Kristina Wong,
She once had a car that ran on vegetable Oil,
She tried to go green, but it all went wrong.
All the oil that she bought was left to spoil.

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Filed under Longer Rhymes, Session XIX

In Stitches

Today I had a ball,
Writing poetry about bitches
Alone in a bathroom stall,
Wondering why my nuts are in stitches.
Until I remember the accident,
About being bit by a rabid dog,
Not knowing the intent,
As my brain is in a fog.
This poem is going nowhere,
Late, late into the night,
You with a blank stare,
Because below my belt is an awful sight.

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Filed under Longer Rhymes, Session XIX

Padded Room

You are locked in a padded room,
Because society thought you were insane.
You kept warning people of their impending doom,
Some people died and you were the blame.
Padded room, Padded room,
You are stuck in a padded room.
Because of a sick joke, that was so lame,
People cried and you were the blame.

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Filed under Longer Rhymes, Session XIX

Growing Old in This Life

There are almost four decades in these old bones,
Growing old is what’s happening to me,
Sitting at the edge of the lake skipping stones,
Thinking about where my life is taking me.
Growing old day after day,
Inching closer and closer to my impending Death,
After the long run, I am here to stay,
I will keep going on till there is nothing left.
I am growing old in this life,
Living day after day,
I have one foot on this stony ground
And the other foot in my grave.

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Filed under Longer Rhymes, Session XIX

Along The Old Rail Road Track

Walking along the old rail road track,
The track that once carried an old freight train,
Something our town really lacks,
Only the old ghosts of the rails remain.
Now when the atmosphere is correct you can hear
The roar of the old train whistle, 
Warning you to stay clear,
Because the train will hit you like a missile.

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Filed under Longer Rhymes, Session XIX

End of World Is Near

The end of the world is near,
The Mayans were right,
You better watch out and stay clear.
Because when that day approaches,
You will not survive the night,
The only survivors will be the roaches,
And that will be an awful sight.

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Filed under Longer Rhymes, Session XIX

The Bitch Next Door

My next door neighbor is insane,
Every little noise we are the blame.
Whatever happened to our privacy?
She has no job because she is lazy,
But who would hire her because she is crazy.
She think the world revolves around her,
Sorry lady but with your paranoia there is no cure.
I open my door and close it,
She opens her door and slams it.
Things like this that piss me off
The things you do leaves me to scoff.
You only have the nerve to tell my wife
All the things you think I do,
Isn’t time for you to get a life,
Because all your lies is a bunch of poo.
So what I am saying is,
Stop being a royal bitch,
Hit or miss,
You will always be at the top
Of my shit list.

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Filed under Longer Rhymes, Session XIX

Day After Day

Day after day
You kneel down to pray.
To your false gods and idols
Next to all your books stacked in neat little piles.
Day after day,
You sit and meditate.
Clearing your head
Of all the things you dread.
Day after day
You sit and write
To be remembered
That you put up a good fight.
Day after day
You write and you play
Not ready for death
And you decide to stay.
Living Day after day.

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Filed under Longer Rhymes, Session XIX